See the light, be the lightHere’s a content promotion strategy that is used by some of the top internet marketers although they don’t talk about it all that much (probably because they don’t want everyone using it).  😉

Guide as much traffic as possible to the content sharing sites that link to your lead generation site first and foremost.  Then have your lead generation pieces (downloadable reports, how-to videos, free trials, etc.) somehow link to your money site instead of linking straight to it from all possible sources. Complicated? It can be, but it can generate huge results if done properly.

A little more on this strategy: build the value of the content sharing sites, and their value will trickle down to your lead generation site which will then promote the site you’re ultimately hoping to generate revenue from. Sounds a bit counter-intuitive, but it works because people are naturally curious and will take that extra step if they find your content valuable and interesting.

Think about it this way–if someone views one of your videos that promotes a free report on your lead generation site, and that person finally lands on your money site (after you’ve collected a lead and gotten some marketing materials in front of), they’re likely pretty interested at that point, right?

Furthermore, if you write a quality article or create a video about a topic within your chosen niche, link to that article or video from the social bookmarking sites (or better yet, have someone else do it for you) instead of linking directly to your lead generation content or your main site.

Many people make the mistake of driving ALL links to their main site (I did this for too a LONG time until I learned this lesson). If you learn how to leverage the content sharing and social bookmarking sites properly, you can ultimately generate a ton of very qualified traffic to your “money” site while limiting its exposure in the process.

Hopefully this all makes sense, but feel free to comment below if you’d like me to dig deeper.