The World Famous SMB Consulting Blog
Blogging Questions & Answers 27
Happy Thanksgiving for you guys that celebrate it (I know it was yesterday…). Another set of questions and answers is live. If you want to ask a question you just need to leave a comment below with it. 1. James asks: I run a podcast via a blog. I just started...
Website Traffic Series Part 20: Leveraging Holidays and Big Events
Christmas, thanksgiving, the summer Olympic games, the U.S. presidential elections, you name it. For most people those are holidays where they rest and hang out with family and friends, or big events that they watch on television. For website owners and Internet...
In Social Media What Do YOU Want Next?
Most of the top social media sites have been busy in the last few months making adjustments and (arguable) improvements to their algorithms, site designs, and features. It seems that there is a new race to offer their users incentive to stay, be active, and...
Infographics Can Help You Spread Ideas and Attract Attention
An image is an act of communication. Images play an important role in the presentation of ideas. Worth more than a thousand words, they encapsulate meaning by both simplifying and embodying conceptual theories.They make information more appealing, more persuasive. In...
New Paid Links Service Sparks More Debate
Quite a storm of debate has erupted over a new service called InLinks - essentially a paid text link service that allegedly makes it hard for Google (and other search engines) to detect them. And mouths of Internet marketers begin to salivate. read more
Microsoft Helps adCenter Customers Get Help
Getting support for any product is often a painstaking and time consuming ordeal. There are parts of Microsoft that I have personally had such trouble with. read more
How do you get someone to anxiously wait for your book's release?
Sure, J.K. Rowling, John Grisham and Seth Godin have it in the bag. They release a book...and voila, the audience is there. But for most authors, especially non-fiction authors, the road is a bit more rocky. They usually don't have a ton of support from...
Make trade events deliver in 2009 (Cece Lee)
Drew's Note: As I try to do every Friday, I'm pleased to bring you a guest post. Meet another thought leader who shares her insights via the blogosphere. So without further ado...Cece Lee. Again. Enjoy! As companies prepare to reduce travel and...
Best Posts Summary WordPress Plugin
Long time reader Aseem Kishore has recently released his first WordPress plugin, and it is an interesting one. As you probably know I recommend people to write monthly roundups on their blogs, including the most popular posts of the previous month. This technique is...
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