Book Review: Success Built to Last

By Michael Wade Success Built to Last: Creating a Life that Matters by Jerry Porras, Stewart Emery, and Mark Thompson mentions plenty of famous names but its main emphasis is on how ordinary people can do extraordinary things.Although some of the book’s findings...

You should write an ebook

By Seth Godin I’m serious. Smart people with good ideas worth sharing can get a lot out of this exercise.To help you out, I wrote a lens about the simple details of how to do it.It’s technically easy and when it works, your idea will spread far and wide....

How to be a great audience

By Seth Godin (and what’s in it for you…)I participated in an interesting experiment today. I was lucky enough to attend career day with 75 eighth graders. Divided into five groups, I got to see a group at a time for about fifteen minutes each.Within three...

Seriously Kule Color Tools

I found this over on the Duct Tape Marketing Blog:Adobe Labs released a very fun and useful tool for anyone that would like to learn about combining colors or creating what they call color themes. The tool is called kuler. (Requires the latest Flash player to view)...

How to Beat Google (Part 1)

by Rich SkrentaOur entire industry is scared witless by Google’s dominance in search and advertising. Microsoft and Yahoo have been unsuccessful at staunching the bleeding of their search market share. VCs parrot the Google PR FUD machine that you need giant...