Make Search Conversational

Search marketers should rework their content to make it more conversational according to Adam Broitman of Morpheus Media, and I think he’s on to something.Broitman points out that much of marketing is now a conversation, but search marketers have not...
Name tags

Name tags

from Seth Godin’s Blog:————————– I love name tags.I think doing name tags properly transforms a meeting. Here’s why:a. people don’t really know everyone, even if they think they do.b. if you...

The Hidden Value of a Link

By David Berkowitz Is PayPerPost evil? Sure. I can get on board with that. Though it’s a flawed hypothesis, a lot of my column this week tries to explore why. It actually does have parallels in other media, and there are even some blog advertising campaigns...
Don't commit these mailing list mistakes

Don't commit these mailing list mistakes

By Pam One of the best ways to begin a friendly and non-intrusive relationship with prospective customers is to build a mailing list of people who are interested in you or your business concept. One of the easiest ways to do this is to offer a useful free report or...

Legitimate SEO Tactics

A lot of people call me about optimizing their site to improve their standing within the major search engines (Google, Yahoo!, and MSN/Live) for a few to multiple keyword phrases. Many callers or website visitors are shocked to learn that I ain’t cheap, and I...