The World Famous SMB Consulting Blog

Upon Further Review …

Today marks the day the NFL Officials get reinstated and professional football games won't look like they are fixed...

Roofing Marketing

Chances are good that you landed here today because you got an email or...

Plumbing Marketing

Chances are good that you landed here today because you got an email or...

HVAC Marketing

Chances are good that you landed here today because you got an email or...

Electrician Marketing

Chances are good that you landed here today because you got an email or...

Website Design Tips to Increase Search Engine Appeal

by Roger BauerPosted: 11/20/2006Designing a website can be a daunting task if you’re new to the game and have little time to research the proper ways to develop a site that is both user and search engine friendly. After-all, what good is a website if no one can find...

The Secrets to Why Search Results Matter

Search engines guide targeted business traffic to your website which equals potential customers! Think about it--when you search for something online, you are seeking information about a specific product or service. You want to be marketed to at that particular moment...

SEO Design Tips

Website Design Tips to Increase Search Engine Appeal by Roger Bauer 11/14/2006 Designing a website can be a daunting task if you’re new to the game and have little time to research the proper ways to develop a site that is both user and search engine friendly. ...

Assessing a Competitive Sales Opportunity

Have you ever found yourself wondering how you shot the last sales opportunity even after everything seemed like a close was eminent? Many times the answer lies within us if we’re willing to dig deep enough. Let’s take a look at five possibilities for why things may...

Before Tackling SEO In-House, Weigh Your Options

Have you ever wondered “can’t I just perform search engine optimization in-house?” The answer is a resounding “yes, you can,” but there are many things to consider prior to starting your own in-house SEO program. If everything does not line up at the moment, it may be...

Why Outsource Your SEO?

Why Outsource Your SEO Campaign? by Roger Bauer 11/3/2006 Have you ever wondered “can’t I just perform search engine optimization in-house?”  The answer is a resounding “yes, you can,” but there are many things to consider prior to starting your own in-house SEO...

Leveraging Better Competition

Most people who know the least bit about me know I'm a huge University of Louisville athletics fan, and I'm also an avid cyclist. I've been a season ticket holder for UofL football and basketball for over ten years, and I've been involved in organized cycling for...

Is the Hurry REALLY Worth it?

Before I get into my little rant, I have to disclose that I'm a total Type A personality all the way so this may strike you as a bit of hypocrisy if you know me at all. I at least admitted to it so now I can get into my thoughts for the day.The other day I was riding...


No Cost Download

Download your copy of The Lead Machine Blueprint for Small Business

This quick guide shows you the simple 4-step formula that attracts streams of Grade-A leads on auto-pilot.

Want to know the best part? You don’t even have to opt-in or share any contact information. Go ahead, click the link below and get your guide now.

Schedule a No Obligation Discovery Call

Schedule your no-cost, no-obligation, 10-minute Discovery Call to see what’s possible for your business, where you are today and how to overcome the roadblocks currently in your way.

Click the button below to reserve your time slot now. 


x2 Sales CRM Demo

Schedule a personal 1:1 demo of the x2 Sales CRM now to see how the software can help you grow your business rapidly.

There is no obligation and the demo will be focued on you and your business so you know whether the software is a good mutual fit.