The World Famous SMB Consulting Blog

Upon Further Review …

Today marks the day the NFL Officials get reinstated and professional football games won't look like they are fixed...

Roofing Marketing

Chances are good that you landed here today because you got an email or...

Plumbing Marketing

Chances are good that you landed here today because you got an email or...

HVAC Marketing

Chances are good that you landed here today because you got an email or...

Electrician Marketing

Chances are good that you landed here today because you got an email or...

Does Free Really Mean Free Anymore?

I began thinking about our free one-month offer of services last night and wondered internally "how is our free offer different from everyone else's?"For starters, our free month is 95% free (you have to invest human time resources and share relevant contact...

When Average isn't Good Enough

If you've visited this blog before, you probably saw my post on the seminar Seth Godin gave here last week in Louisville. If you haven't, please check it out as it will make this post more sensible to you. In short, Seth made a statement that we're mostly a society...

Small Business Facts

Small Business Facts

Small Businesses: Represent 99.9% of the approximate 25.8 million businesses in the US (2005 Census) Represent 99.7% of all employer firms Employ half of all private sector employees Pay > 45% of total U.S. payroll Have generated 60-80% of nonfarm private gross...

Seth Godin's Louisville Seminar Review

Seth Godin paid Louisville a visit today to speak in the newly opened Waterfront Park Place, a truly beautiful building that serves as a posh residency for some of Louisville's wealthier people. I had the fortune to attend the seminar, and I figured this is as good a...

Man, I don't care!!!!

WARNING: RANT AHEADTonight I went to Panera Bread to grab a bite to eat and catch up on some magazine articles I've been meaning to read to feed my brain with some writing ideas for the next wave of article submissions to various media outlets. I do this every once in...

Thanksgiving Musings

First off, I hope everyone is having a great Thanksgiving and a safe one. Our family got together for a fantastic meal at my brother's house in which his wife (Donna) cooked up a mean bird and her world famous green-beans. I used to hate green-beans, but she got me...

Yahoo! Memo from Brad Garlinghouse (SVP)

This is a memo leaked to the public written by Brad Garlinghouse, a higher ranking management official of the company. It's been referred to as the "Peanut Butter Manifesto." It's an interesting read that further demonstrates you can have a successful company yet...

OJ–Why Won't You Just Go Away? (A Personal Rant)

I'm sitting here watching the news this evening and a story about America's favorite murderer appears talking about how News Corp (a.k.a. Fox) has pulled the plug on the book and the pending interview to promote the book like we’re somehow being deprived of quality...


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There is no obligation and the demo will be focued on you and your business so you know whether the software is a good mutual fit.