Name tags

Name tags

from Seth Godin’s Blog:————————– I love name tags.I think doing name tags properly transforms a meeting. Here’s why:a. people don’t really know everyone, even if they think they do.b. if you...

Straight Talk on Branding III

By Derrick Daye on CEO Support This week I want to share my third installment, and maybe a fourth on developing a brand building organization. My last installment is here.There are four organizational support factors that are critical to brand strategy success. They...

How Humble Leaders Rock

By The Trizle TeamScenario: “Dude, I’m going to lead with an iron @#$%^& fist. Yay!”Our main man, Tony Dungy, won his first Superbowl as a coach of the Indianapolis Colts on Sunday. All week long and after the game, the media has described his “humble” persona....

Great Customer Service: Just Do It

Earlier this afternoon, Brown knocked on my door (UPS). Initially I thought to myself “I didn’t order anything so what could this be?” Upon accepting the package I noticed it was from Total Training. For a little background, Total Training makes...