Continued Growth For Online Advertising

Continued Growth For Online Advertising

Online advertising will continue to grow despite economic woes according to the latest analysis from eMarketer.The majority of analyst firms expect to see spending growth for online advertising to continue to show double-digit increases in 2008 and
Continued Growth For Online Advertising

Those Who Bought McCain Action Figures Also Bought…

Upon a seller tagging his or her Barack Obama mask in such a way to make it appear for the term “terrorist costume,” Amazon has made the proper adjustments. While that’s a fascinating event, there’s still a lot of guilt-by-association fun to be...
Continued Growth For Online Advertising

Facebook Winning Over Business Audiences

If the Dow passes below 2,000 and World War III breaks out, we feel confident that at least a couple of corporate reps will continue to argue about whether Facebook or MySpace is more popular.  Yet new data falls on Facebook’s side where some retailers are...
Continued Growth For Online Advertising

Local is As Local Does

It looks like search engines have officially trumped the Yellow Pages when it comes to customers looking for local businesses. Data from comScore and TMP Directional Marketing shows that this year more people are turning to search engines after last year’s...