By Pam

Good_enough Click here for this week’s 6 1/2 minute podcast episode: Cut through work paralysis by replacing “perfect” with “good enough.”

If you are anything like me, you sweat the details of your business, wanting to make sure that everything is flawless and of the highest standards. The problem is, in a rapidly moving world and life, it is impossible to be perfect at everything you do. In fact, you will most likely stress yourself out and get little done if your standards are so high that you get paralyzed.

In this podcast episode, I invite you to redefine your relationship with perfectionism and invite “good enough” as a new standard for releasing work and getting things done. In order to do this, you will have to:

  1. Define different standards for your work
  2. Prioritize your tasks
  3. Make tough choices

By doing so, you will not only get more done, you will have more fun doing it. And learn more!

I have challenged my own perfectionist tendencies this week by not publishing my podcast on time (due to the wretched nausea I described yesterday) and incorrectly stating that a marathon is 26.5 miles, when in fact, as many readers pointed out, it is 26.2 miles (since corrected). It certainly is not the first time I have made a typo, but I have to say that as time goes on, I get more comfortable with them. I am trying to move to more action and accomplishment, and that sometimes involves screwing up. Don’t worry, I am not recommending that you become sloppy and careless, perhaps just a bit less obsessed by details.

If you have struggled with perfectionism and have some insight, please share!