7 Lessons on Holiday Social Media Marketing

YouTube Takes Their Embedded Videos More Seriously

44% of YouTube users watch embedded videos. To be clear, that is not 44% of the site’s total views as NewTeeVee points out, but still nearly half of users are watching videos from other sites, blogs, social media profiles, etc. read more
Google Upgrades Apps APIs

Google Upgrades Apps APIs

Yesterday Google guaranteed 99.9% reliability for Google Apps like Google Calendar, Google Docs, Google Sites, and Google Talk. This stemmed from a similar guarantee the company made for Gmail. read more
7 Lessons on Holiday Social Media Marketing

Sprint Restores Peering to Cogent

At 4:00 p.m. Eastern on Thursday, October 30th Sprint (A Tier 1 Internet backbone provider) severed their peering connections with fellow Tier 1 Internet backbone provider Cogent Communications. This depeering was due to a contract dispute that Cogent claimed was...
7 Lessons on Holiday Social Media Marketing

Continued Growth For Online Advertising

Online advertising will continue to grow despite economic woes according to the latest analysis from eMarketer.The majority of analyst firms expect to see spending growth for online advertising to continue to show double-digit increases in 2008 and 2009.read...
7 Lessons on Holiday Social Media Marketing

Those Who Bought McCain Action Figures Also Bought…

Upon a seller tagging his or her Barack Obama mask in such a way to make it appear for the term “terrorist costume,” Amazon has made the proper adjustments. While that’s a fascinating event, there’s still a lot of guilt-by-association fun to be...