Rosie v. Trump

I generally try to stay away from soap opera garbage, but this one is simply too good to pass up. First, let me say I consider myself a Trump fan as I admire what he’s done in the business world. In contrast, I have never seen what Rosie O’Donnell brings...

Excuse Box

I found this on Michael Wade’s site this morning: Excuse Box It seems as though Rick Pitino is using one of these rather frequently. In all seriousness, please don’t let yourself or your company get into the trap of using one of these when dealing with...

The Career Manifesto

Michael Wade posted this on his blog, and it’s a very interesting read. Thought I’d share the wealth a little instead of boring everyone with my Christmas shopping thoughts and musings. That’ll have to wait until tomorrow I suppose....

Smokin' Hot

As I waited to see the doctor I referenced in a previous post, I skimmed through the complimentary copy of Bicycling Magazine (which I have a personal subscription to) which was sitting in the lobby area. I had time to kill so I figured I’d browse through it to make...