A Marketing Plan Guide For Real Estate Agents

A Marketing Plan Guide For Real Estate Agents

A couple of things – New Site Design – I’ve completely revamped the RealtyBizCoach.com design and moved the blog off the front page. It’s now at http://www.realtybizcoach.com/blog/. I think everything is working, but if you notice any bugs...
How To Get The Most Bang for Your $2500 Marketing Budget

How To Build a Referral-Based Business

This is step 5 of a five-part series on how new agents can successfully break into the real estate market. Yesterday, I talked about the importance of nurturing your prospect list. Today, I’m going to shift gears and discuss what you need to do to build a...
How To Get The Most Bang for Your $2500 Marketing Budget

Following Up: The Secret To More Sales

This is step 4 of a five-part series on how new agents can successfully break into the real estate market. Most small-business owners (myself included) are guilty of not following up with all leads they generate. When leads pour in, it’s tempting to cherry pick...
Do Links Even Matter Anymore?

Do Links Even Matter Anymore?

Links are like a healthy addiction. And if you are to survive in the online marketplace you need lots and lots of links. Injecting Links! But links are like the U.S. Dollar (especially lately!). The Treasury keeps printing dollars and what happens to the value of the...