Zing Social Media Overview Seminar Review

Yesterday (April 23, 2008), we hosted a very small group to discuss “10 Ways to Increase Sales from Social Media” at Zing’s offices in Louisville. For those that didn’t get the opportunity to attend, here’s a summarization of what all was...

Social Media Club Louisville: Meeting 3 Review

The SMC of Louisville met last evening (April 15, 2008) at The Fox & Hound. It was a very large group, and everyone seemingly had an excellent time although the actual presentation was hampered a bit by the loud music in the adjoining rooms. That’s...

Social Media Power

Over the past 24 hours I’ve been reminded (again) how powerful Social Media has become in our daily life.  For instance, Gary Vaynerchuk has a daily video blog, and he was asking everyone to make today (April 3, 2008) “Good People Day.” I have never...

Inaugural Zing Presentation Review

Today, Ken, Watson, and I (Roger) headed to Wilson Muir Bank in St. Matthews bright and early to give our first official Zing Presentation to a small group of business owners from around Louisville. We discussed the impact personalized marketing has on increasing...

Have iPods lost their appeal?

Not too long ago, we started a little contest around the newest Nike Commercial featuring Matt Scott. We asked you to submit the lamest excuses you’ve heard for something. In exchange, we offered up a silver iPod nano to the best excuse. Well, enough time has...