Quick Hit SEO to Do List

Many potential Search Engine Optimization (SEO) clients come to me stating they don’t have the financial resources to contract my firm for services yet they’d like to get started with the promotion of their site within the search engine sphere. Below I’ve attempted to...

New Blog Address, Same Blog

We’ve changed our web address to tie in with our business website to make things a little more cohesive. The new address for the SMB Consulting Blog is: http://blog.smbconsultinginc.com although the old address (smbconsulting.blogspot.com) will still get you to...

Whether DNC or RNC, Political Candidates need SEO

Another great post over at SEOMoz.org by Scott. This discusses how political candidates need SEO. I couldn’t agree more, and I was contacted by a couple of candidates just before the KY gubernatorial primaries went to the polls. It was too late (one or two...
Link Building Step 4

Link Building Step 4

Step 4: Post Properly Formatted and Relevant Comments A blog lives on its overall popularity. A popular blog tends to have multiple people contributing to the online “conversation,” therefore the blog owner wants people to participate because that means the blog is...

How to Get the Attention of a Venture Capitalist

by Guy KawasakiAt the Elite Retreat I gave an off-the-cuff answer to a question concerning getting the attention of venture capitalists. My buddy Wendy Piersall blogged about my answer, and it was a very popular. However, to truly help entrepreneurs, I’d like to...