How to Deal with a Bad Boss

How to Deal with a Bad Boss

Copied from Alexander Kjerulf’s Chief Happiness Officer Blog:—————————————January 23, 2007 @ 11:28 am ยท Filed under Happy At Work, Leadership, Best of site The uncontested, number-one...

Hurricane Kohls Maintaining Strength

In the spirit of poor customer service as journalized on this blog about Tumbleweed, it seems my newly found friend Paul McEnany of Hee-Haw Marketing blogging fame has created quite a following with his Hurricane Kohls postings. They haven’t died–Into PR...

A Reluctant Case for Convergence

By David BerkowitzThe Search Insider If the Consumer Electronics Show is an indication of where hardware is heading, then everyone better be ready for the convergence of every device out there. Yet how much credit can you give to a show that featured 2,700 exhibitors...
Chillin' With Generation "NEXT!"

Chillin' With Generation "NEXT!"

Courtesy of the Bullshit Observer———————————————By Todd Anthony on American Lifestyles A new report from the Pew Research Center compares Generation “Next” (18-25,...