Keep an Eye on Shelfari

Keep an Eye on Shelfari

Found over on TechCrunch: Keep an Eye on ShelfariTalks about an interesting social networking service that allows you to setup a visual virtual bookshelf to share with others and include your Amazon affiliate ID to generate a little passive income. Worth a look in my...

Agile Creativity

Interesting post found on Logic+Emotion: Agile Creativity. As an unsolicited side note: I believe Dave Armano maintains a great blog. Enjoy!

How Yahoo! Blew It

From Wired: How Yahoo Blew It.Talks about how Yahoo! offered to buy Google in 2002 and how things have changed since. If you regularly read this blog, you know I have Semel as one of the Five CEOs that Must Go so this merely adds fuel to that fire. I still believe...