Smokin' Hot

As I waited to see the doctor I referenced in a previous post, I skimmed through the complimentary copy of Bicycling Magazine (which I have a personal subscription to) which was sitting in the lobby area. I had time to kill so I figured I’d browse through it to make...

When Average isn't Good Enough

If you’ve visited this blog before, you probably saw my post on the seminar Seth Godin gave here last week in Louisville. If you haven’t, please check it out as it will make this post more sensible to you. In short, Seth made a statement that we’re...

SEO Considerations

Things to Consider before Embarking on an SEO Initiative1. How long have you been in business?2. How long has your website been “live?”3. How much traffic does your website generate per month?4. Have you submitted your site to all of the major search engines?a. If so,...

The Basics of SEO

What is SEO anyway?Search Engine Optimization (SEO for short) is a highly involved, somewhat lengthy, process designed to elevate an internet website’s major search engine ranking and/or positioning. The major search engines (Google, Microsoft Network (MSN), and...