Remove the irritant – Amazon attacks Wrap Rage

Remove the irritant – Amazon attacks Wrap Rage

We hear a lot of buzz about innovation.  Everyone is trying to create the next iPod.  But sometimes, the most powerful way to reward current customers and gain new one is not by inventing something new…but instead, by removing an irritant. Amazon...
Personal Branding is its own reward

Personal Branding is its own reward

Each year, Dan Schawbel’s organization recognizes some of the standout brands with Personal Brand Awards. Last year, Rohit Bhargava won the gold award, and this year Jeremiah Owyang was presented the 2008 gold award. An esteemed panel of judges made the...
Build your brand:  Cultural clues

Build your brand: Cultural clues

I walked into a client’s boardroom to make a presentation.  The room looked like many other boardrooms, but there was one thing that immediately caught my eye. They had party mints on the table. I’m not telling you the industry, location, brand or any...
Direct mail tricks:  The envelope

Direct mail tricks: The envelope

And the envelope says…..hopefully your direct mail envelopes are saying, "Open me!"  Many marketers put a great deal of time and effort into what’s inside the envelope but completely miss the opportunity to grab the recipient’s...