Why SEO is Dead

Why SEO is Dead

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or Off Page Equity? Huh? Have you ever thought about what that means? Going back to its roots, SEO meant to optimize a page so an engine like Alta Vista would like it and rank it higher than the next guy or gal. Words like density,...
Capital Consideration For SEO

Capital Consideration For SEO

Many know that a search for home is different than homes (plural). However, did you know that a Capital letter can show a unique result in Google? Upper Case S: Lower Case s:
The Habit of Majoring in Minors in Life and SEO

The Habit of Majoring in Minors in Life and SEO

Last night I was running late to football practice . (oh I forgot to mention I Coach 8 and 9 year olds). So I called ahead and asked my assistant to get the stretching started. As I was getting there he got all the guys to spread out to a more traditional stretching...
Why SEO is Dead

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Real Estate Blogging and SEO The HouseBlogger VBlogs! Get the latest dish from the #1 Real Estate Marketing Blog on the web. Real Estate Blogging and SEO The HouseBlogger VBlogs! Get the latest dish from the #1 Real Estate Marketing Blog on the web. Real Estate...