By Media Guerrilla

Trustiness Reading about DoTheRightThing reminds me of a conversation I had a while back with a friend where we jokingly talked about how ridiculously easy yet powerful it would be to slap a community-driven “trustiness meter” on every company’s website.

Think about it…an amazing amount of agony, energy, expense, and burden goes into crafting, shaping and analyzing a brand image and even then, in the end (at best), you really only have a loose interpretation of a brand’s perceived reputation, equity and trust.

For the public, it’d be a hellofa lot easier to just glance at the trustiness meter, like you do at the star ratings for a hotel or your gas gauge, to determine if a company deserves your time, money or attention. And for the PR and marketing folks, it’d be a hellofa lot easier to just glance at the trustiness meter to determine whether or not you’re gonn’a get out of bed….

NOTE: The trustiness meter should not be confused with the trust barometer. While both are fictional measures of trust, one was created by a real company, the other over beers.


Copied from Media Guerrilla