Eight Weeks To Business Change

by André TaylorSearching for the right business strategy, many organizations fall in love with big concepts. But for many, it stops there, as “doing” can be an elusive concept. In my advisory work, I suggest a systematic approach to tackling change comprised of an...

Who Do You Think You ARE Anyway?

In order to write a vision for your business, the first step is identifying who you really are and what is important to you.Not what you DO or have been doing, but who you ARE.You may be doing things that are really not in alignment with what is important to you in...
What's Your Exit Strategy?

What's Your Exit Strategy?

By Valeria Maltoni Although very important for entrepreneurs and business owners, we would all be served well by having a well defined exit strategy. Similarly to your investment portfolio, an exit strategy needs to be recalibrated over time to make sure it serves you...

Is Your Strategy Wrong?

If you are not using the 80/20 Principle to control your strategy, your strategy is more than likely wrong. You may not have an accurate picture of where you make, and lose, the most money.Where are you making the most money?Conduct an 80/20 Analysis of profits by...