2007 Guide to Linkbaiting: The Year of Widgetbait

Found over on Search Engine Land: 2007 Guide to Linkbaiting: The Year of Widgetbait.A little background from Wikipedia before you jump on over:Link bait is any content or feature within a website that somehow baits viewers to place links to it from other websites....

The Cycle of Choice

Another find on Seth Godin’s Blog: The Cycle of Choice. Seth points out an interesting phenomenon where a leader is “discovered” then suddenly disappears when the competition figures it out to present a better alternative and what happens because of...

Top Marketing Podcasts of Interest

Here’s something I found on Guy Kawasaki’s blog which points to Jennifer Jones’ blog. Anyway, enjoy any or all of the selections below and come back to share your opinion:Marketing Voices Podcasts of InterestPS–I’ll personally read and...