11/29 Radio Show Preview: Rand Fishkin

This Thursday, Rand Fishkin, CEO of SEOmoz.org, will be my guest on the Bauer Pauer Hauer. As most of you already know, search engine optimization is one of the hottest marketing techniques out there today. Whereas old school advertising and interruptive marketing...

Book Review: The Ultimate Sales Machine

Author: Chet Holmes First off, this is a fantastic book for anyone involved in the marketing of a business; not just salespeople. Chet Holmes does a great job connecting the strategic aspects of business with the sales and marketing functions to the point it would be...
What's Your Exit Strategy?

What's Your Exit Strategy?

By Valeria Maltoni Although very important for entrepreneurs and business owners, we would all be served well by having a well defined exit strategy. Similarly to your investment portfolio, an exit strategy needs to be recalibrated over time to make sure it serves you...

Legitimate SEO Tactics

A lot of people call me about optimizing their site to improve their standing within the major search engines (Google, Yahoo!, and MSN/Live) for a few to multiple keyword phrases. Many callers or website visitors are shocked to learn that I ain’t cheap, and I...

Profile of the Entrepreneurial Generation

By Anita Campbell on Startup Trends Professor Cornwall, Director of the Belmont University Center for Entrepreneurship , profiles today’s young entrepreneurs — those 30 years old and younger. Quoting remarks from a speech he made at the Forbes Enterprise Awards: One...