The Less I Do, the More I Make

Good stuff via Duct Tape Marketing:—————————-The trap of the small business owner is, that in many cases, to grow a business to some level of success means putting your head down and working real hard doing the...

How to Get Good SEO Clients

SEO Question: I have been submitting my articles to article directories and submitting my site to directory after directory, but I am not getting anywhere in the search results. What should I do to promote my SEO site and services? Answer: Rankings do not matter. The...
The Power of Trustiness

The Power of Trustiness

By Media Guerrilla Reading about DoTheRightThing reminds me of a conversation I had a while back with a friend where we jokingly talked about how ridiculously easy yet powerful it would be to slap a community-driven “trustiness meter” on every...
Fox wants the identity of YouTube uploader

Fox wants the identity of YouTube uploader

By Brian White on Youtube Filed under: Rumors, Products and services, Management, Consumer experience, Internet, Google (GOOG)It was bound to happen — Big Media wants to know who is uploading copyrighted material to YouTube, now owned by Google, Inc....